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Salvaging Moldy Buds & Making Trichome Butter-Cannabutter
There are two methods of salvaging your moldy stuff, those that have bubble bags and those that do not (This can be done whether you have bubble bags or not, you can still apply the same methods).
1. Take a large clean pail or bowl and place in your moldy product (the more stuff you have will determine the size of the bowl/pail).
2. I would suggest that you break the buds up instead of using them whole. This method is best used when your leaves and buds are wet.
3. With your wet product chopped and minced up in a bowl, add cold cold cold water… have the water chilling in the freezer to the point where it is starting to freeze. Also, add lots and lots of ice to this mixture into the bowl. I’ve been told, “When you think you’ve got enough ice, add some more”.
4. Now use a blender to mix the product, water, and ice combination. The idea is to freeze the trichomes and break them off so they are mixed in with the water, not to liquefy the leaves and buds!
Note: www.bubblebag.com has step-by-step instructions on how to make bubble hash, and also explain the ice mixing in detail.
5. Once you are satisfied that the mixture has been mixed enough, you can scoop out the bulk waste and store it in another bowl for you to repeat this process later. Now you should be left with a bowl of murky greenish/tannish water and ice.
Wait a bit and you will see the heavier stuff (trichomes) start to settle to the bottom… this is GOOD! Looking at the top of the water, you will see some scum floating, and the whitish mold particles. Usually waiting 10 minutes is plenty, and at this point you will clearly see the good stuff has settled to the bottom, leaving the unappealing mold floating on the top of the water.
6. Take a spoon and scoop it out the top mold floaters from the jar, that way you won’t lose any of the heavy trich’s that have settled to the bottom. Ok, now pour the liquid into an easily manageable container and let everything settle again. Scoop off any remaining mold and floaters from the top of the water. Mix and repeat until you are certain all mold spores are gone.
At this point, you can now repeat this process with the bulk waste that you have left in another bowl. There are tons and tons of trichomes, so you will probably want to repeat this process two or three more times to get the most of out it.
If you suffered an injury due to moldy buds or any defective marijuana product, you have the right to collect for damages. Texas will soon legalize recreational marijuana, which may result in a lot of people attempting to sell inferior products. If you’ve been injured, Houston personal injury lawyers at www.attorneybrianwhite.com may be able to help.
>For those of you that have bubble bags, you can now place that liquid back into bubble bags and continue making bubble hash.
>If you do not have bubble bags, you can evaporate the trich liquid or make trichome-butter.
To make trichome-butter:
1. Add the trichome liquid into a pan containing melted butter. Let the mixture come to a boil and then let it slowly simmer and evaporate off the excess water, leaving you pure trichome-butter.
2. Pour the remaining contents into a manageable container and place into the freezer. Once frozen, any remaining water will turn to ice and should be on the top for the butter will fall to the bottom and freeze. This butter can be stored for a long time in this fashion.
Prior to use, remove the frozen block from your container and separate the water and dispose of. Use the butter as you would normally when cooking, baking, or simply buttering toast! |
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