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A To Z Guide & Photo’s Of The Different Types Of Hash
We Have Lots Of Great Hash Photo’s From Around The World With Full Descriptions. You Can Almost Taste The Hashish Smoke, As It Rolls Across Your Lips As You Read About Them
Page 1 Of 2 — A Thru M
Harder types of resin – mostly from Morocco and Lebanon are made by sifting mature cannabis flowers through a series of sieves until only a resinous powder remains. This powder is compressed and heated to allow the resins to melt and stick together forming blocks.
The resin is then compressed into blocks and sealed with cellophane or cloth. The result is a hard, brittle hash, usually light yellow to brown and sometimes even reddish brown. Generally, the really hard and yellow stuff which is cerebral is old Lebanese on the whole, and the slightly darker brown hash is usually Moroccan. Apparently, new Lebanese is often also malleable.
The method used in Southern Asia involves rubbing the living flowers of the cannabis plants with hands, a leather apron or other implements. The aim is to get the soft and sticky resins to stick to a surface which can be taken somewhere to be processed and collated.
These are then scraped off the skin or leather and rolled into lumps of various sizes and compressed into blocks. The color is usually dark-brown to black on the surface and lighter on the interior – air contact makes this hash go darker in color. The consistency is normally soft and a lump can usually be moulded into various shapes or sausages.
Usually, the potency of seized hash varies from under 1% THC to 26% THC. Typically the strength is 3% to 8% THC, with
the rest being vegetable matter. Remember that THC is not the only drug in cannabis – there are various others such as
CBD and CBN which all add to the effect.
Strain: Afghani (Afghanistan)

Hashish is produced practically everywhere in and around Afghanistan. The best kinds of Hash originate from the Northern provinces between Hindu Kush and the Russian border (Balkh, Mazar-i-Sharif). As tourist in Afghanistan it will be very difficult to be allowed to see Cannabis-Fields or Hash Production.
The plants which are used for Hash production are very small and bushy Indicas. In Afghanistan Hashish is pressed by hand under addition of a small quantity of tea or water. The Hashish is worked on until it becomes highly elastic and has a strong aromatic smell. In Afghanistan the product is stored in the form of Hash-Balls (because a round ball has the less contact with air), however, before being shipped, the Hash is pressed in 100g slabs. Good qualities of Afghani are signed with the stem of the producing family. Sometimes Hash of this kind is sold as Royal Afghani.
Black on the outside, dark greenish or brown inside. Can sometimes look kind of grayish on the outside when left in contact with the air.
Spicy to very spicy.
Very spicy, somewhat harsh on the throat. Afghani can induce lots of coughing in inexperienced users.
Soft, can be kneaded very easily.
Almost narcotic, produces a very physical and stony high.
Potent, sometimes very potent. It’s easy to underestimate the potency of Afghani since the high takes about 5 minutes to reach it’s full potential. (1.7%-6.5% THC)
Quite rare, especially good qualities. Beside Moroccan Hash, Afghani is the most common kind of Hash on the European market. The price is usually higher than Moroccan but quality differs greatly. If I have the choice of Moroccan or Afghani then I would go for the stonier and more narcotic Afghani.
The softest Afghani isn’t always the best – coconut or other oils are often added in the originating country. There is also some Hash-Oil which is being produced from Afghani, usually the quality is excellent. Most people I know are bored of Afghani if they have to smoke it for a long time, on the other side there are people who love this stuff. Beware: Turkish Hash is sometimes offered under the name of Red Afghani.
Strain: Charas (India)

Cannabis is cultivated nearly everywhere around India.
In India Hash is produced by carefully rubbing the female buds between the hands. The resin is rolled in Hash-Balls, before shipment it’s pressed in the usual slabs.
Black on the outside, dark greenish/brown inside.
Spicy to very spicy. Distinctive aroma.
Very spicy, somewhat harsh on the throat but definitively less so than Afghani.
Very soft, can be kneaded easily like Afghani. Sometimes quite powdery though always dense.
Very stony and physical high. Cerebral.
Potent to very potent. Like Nepali, Charas is almost always good smoke. (10-26% THC)
Very rare, from time to time very small quantities become available. Most Hash of this kind is imported by private travelers to India. As expected the price is very high, in the range of Nepali. Charas is usually sold as a ‘finger’, which is a sausage shaped piece of hash.
Strain: Kashmiri (Kashmir/India)

No information available.
Kashmir is the only Moslem country where Hashish is produced by hand like in Nepal and Afghanistan. Usually the producers in Kashmir aren’t able to press the slabs decently.
Black on the outside, brown-greenish inside. White lines usually present.
Very spicy and aromatic.
Quite an acquired taste, however not harsh on the throat.
Somewhat harder than Afghani with less resin content. Natural oils are often added to render the Hash soft.
Physical and stony high.
Potent to very potent. (10-12% THC)
Very rare.
Strain: Lebanese (Lebanon)

The most important Cannabis-Fields are located in the valley of Baalbek. The fields are cultivated on very large scale, many of them using modern machinery. The production is very industrially oriented, tradition is not very involved in the Hash-Business.
The Cannabis-Plants are left on the field until they are nearly dry. By this time they will have acquired a brown-reddish color (some Chlorophyll is destroyed by the UV-Rays of the Sun). Finally the plants are brought in a barn to be dried completely.
Hashish is produced in the same way as in Morocco, basically the buds are carefully rubbed over a fine silk-cloth, the resulting powder can be pressed together. Than finer the mesh used, than better the resulting Hashish.
The Hash-Powder is stored inside 35kg plastic bags, in this form it can be kept for a long time without losing much potency (because the resin glands are still closed).
In the winter months the pressing begins. Hash-Powder is filled in linen or cotton bag and pressed under great pressure. On the surface of the Hashish the structure of the tissue which was used can be clearly seen. Usually the Hash is pressed in slabs of 100g, 200g (usually) or 1000g (1kg).
There is some Hash which is pressed by hand like in Afghanistan, unfortunately it’s usually not exported.
There are two kinds of Lebanese-Hash: Yellow Lebanese, which is yellowish and Red Lebanese which is reddish-brown (very similar to standard Morocco in color). The Red-Lebanese is made from riper plants.
Spicy to very spicy, refreshing smell.
Very spicy, harsher than Turk or Morocco. Some Lebanese-Hash is harsher than Afghani, especially when smoked in a Bong. Lebanese is quite an acquired taste.
Usually the slabs are very thick (about 2-3cm) and not elastic. However when you cut it, you can clearly see that it contains big quantities of resin and that it can be cut easily. Some kinds of Lebanese, like Afghani have the family stem on them. Very good Lebanese can be re-pressed by hand like Afghani due to it’s high resin-content.
Compared to most other Hash varieties the High is quite cerebral, however more stony than Morocco or Turk. Of course, the yellow kind produces a more cerebral high than the red kind (which is riper and contains more CBN than THC).
Usually not very strong, somewhat stronger than Morocco. However there are also very good varieties of Lebanon which are very strong. As already mentioned the high resin content of the better varieties can be clearly seen and it can be re-pressed by hand. (1.0%-18% THC)
Quite rare, good qualities are very rare. However Lebanese is the third most common kind of Hash in Europe (after Morocco and Afghani). Unfortunately most of the Lebanese which is sold is quite old and dry, fresh and resinous Lebanese is very rare in the last years. Usually the price-range can be compared to that of Afghani. I noticed that Yellow-Lebanese is somewhat rarer than the red.
I’m told that the best Lebanese-Hash is called Zahret el Kolch. The availability of Lebanese is likely to increase since the crop substitution programs run by the UN have been severely under funded, and farmers are returning to more traditional crops to make a living.
Strain: Manali (India/Himalaya Region)

The Hash is produced by hand like in Afghanistan and Nepal. From what I heard the Hash production is organized by Europeans.
Black on the outside, greenish-brown inside.
Reminds somewhat of Weed.
Reminds somewhat of Weed.
Hard to very hard (when older).
Not as physical and stony as the other black kinds.
Medium to potent.
Very rare. When available usually in the form of sticks, unfortunately often quite old.
Pieces of stems and seeds can sometimes be found in the dope. This was tried by ZZ in Amsterdam, and was the most disappointing of the gear we got. High quality varieties are probably available though – watch out for the really old stuff.
